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It's my birthday coming up (can't believe I'm getting so OLD!) and it inspired me to think about sustainable gift-giving. So, if you're stuck on what to get someone and want to be better for the planet, this guide is for you!!!

  • REUSABLES - everyone loves a good reusable, see which of these would fit into their life (make sure they would actually use it!)

    • Reusable water bottles (BOTL, Chillys)

    • Reusable coffee cup (BOTL)

    • Reusable shopping bags (bonus points for ones that fold up into a mini package!)

    • Beeswax wraps

    • Straws

    • Lunchboxes

  • KITS - again, make sure this would actually be of use to them first!

    • Camping kits complete with cutlery, bamboo toothbrushes, reusable face cloths, silicone food bags

    • Zero-waste cocktail kits - with a book full of resourceful cocktail ideas!

    • Sewing kits to help them mend their clothing!


    • Indoor plants to spice up the living space!

    • Herb kits

    • Seeds for the garden

    • Mini pots to start growing veg

  • EXPERIENCES - my personal fave!

    • Theatre tickets

    • Race tickets if you're into running/sports (this is what I got for my birthday from my lovely friend Katy!!)

    • Concert tickets

    • Sports game tickets

    • Plan a day out!

    • Spa day

    • Hiking trips

    • Afternoon tea

    • Cooking classes

    • Painting classes

  • UPCYCLED OR HANDMADE GIFTS - this is always appreciated as it's so thoughtful!

    • Getting crafty with a crochet hook

    • Painting something

    • Pottery

    • Upcycled jewellery

    • Personalising a candle

    • Painting a plant pot

  • BOOKS - finding a secondhand gem can be so meaningful for the book lover in your life!

    • Secondhand books

    • Vintage classics (especially if it's their fave)

    • Share books you love

    • Get them a gift card to buy some e-books


    • The best gifts I've found have been from Etsy!

    • Search for something they love (e.g., Pride and Prejudice) and see what cool things pop up (I found a Pride and Prejudice soy-wax candle once with the most beautiful packaging and scent!)

Shopping sustainable will require a bit of extra planning to give you time for shipping or creating things but it is so rewarding, thoughtful, and better for the planet!!

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