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A step-by-step guide to a sustainable summer party !!

Summer party season is here!!!! We all love a good summer get-together...but how can we make sure it doesn't cost the planet? Here's my step-by-step guide...

STEP 1: Location

If you want to host at home, you may have to consider this less, but if you're looking at other locations, see if you can rent a place at a venue with good sustainable practices, or host in an outdoor space like a park or beach (although be sure to not leave anything behind when you go!)

STEP 2: Invitations

Send digital invitations rather than physical ones – this can be done in a super creative way, like creating an events page or having a video to send around, or you could create a group chat or invite people separately.

If you're set on having a physical invite, use paper with seeds in which can be planted in the garden, or recycled paper to reduce your impact.

STEP 3: Decor

To reduce the impact from decorations, you could have a DIY day where you make all your own pieces (this could be really fun to do with kids or other family members/friends). You could also search for secondhand pieces, rent some items, or use natural decor like plants and flowers.

STEP 4: Tableware

If you're at home, make sure to use your normal cutlery, plates, bowls, and glasses. You could also rent these if you don't have enough (or if you only have your fancy heirloom china plates!).

STEP 5: Food/Drinks

The best part of any party! See what fruit and veggies are in season and find some new recipes, or alternatively, you could go to your local market to get organic ingredients. Make sure you have veggie/vegan options to cater to guests' needs and showcase how amazing plant-based food can be! If you have time and space, making food from scratch is a good way to reduce waste.

STEP 6: Reducing Waste

Make sure there are clear areas for recycling, compost, and other waste to ensure the best outcome and ask guests to bring Tupperware to take home extra food to avoid food waste!!

STEP 7: Transport

Encourage guests to carpool (this is where a Facebook events page might be useful to match people up) and share how guests can use public transport to get to the location of the party!

The Plastic-Free July website has some good ideas which you could look at too!!

Enjoy the weather, party hard, and stay conscious of the environment!!!

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