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10 simple ways to reduce your plastic usage!

Unfortunately, plastic is pretty unavoidable in our current world, but I strongly believe that small changes can make a huge difference in sustainability. So, if you're just starting to make the switch, or you're in a bit of a rut, maybe these simple ways to reduce your plastic use can give you a bit of a boost!!

1. Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk can be a great way of reducing plastic for 2 reasons - firstly, buying rice, dried fruit, nuts, etc, in bulk means that you will use less packaging from buying smaller quantities more often (that will also reduce the effort needed to go shopping for these products often), and secondly, many bulk stores allow you to use your own containers so you can choose how much you want, AND you'll be reducing even more single-use plastic.

Not only this, but it can be especially great if you're living in a house share. If you're at uni living with a few other people, buying things in bulk can also be much cheaper!!

2. Mindful gift giving

Giving conscious gifts can be a great way to get someone a more unique gift, to support small businesses, and to reduce plastic. Here are some ideas:

  • Soy wax candles which you could buy from Veganbunnyco, Herbivore, Peace with the Wild, Zero Waste Path, Voluspa, PF Candle Co, Beesom, The Sustainable Candle Company

  • Sustainable swimwear (my faves are Soso Swim, Edera Swim, Mitra the Label, Aurora Eco, and Swim by TLC)

  • Books (even better if they're secondhand) or an E-reader

  • Recipe book

  • Prints or art from small businesses

  • Something for them to start a hobby they've wanted to do e.g., crochet kit, sketchbook

  • Plants

  • Experiences e.g., theatre tickets, sports game tickets, spa day, day trip, pottery classes

  • Loungewear or workout clothes from a sustainable brand e.g., Gngrbees, Parade, Lucy and Yak, Heiko Clothing, Tentree, or Organic Basics

  • Make them something like a painting, letter, poem, embroidery piece

3. Join (or create) a plastic-free challenge!

Plastic-free initiatives can be a great way to push and challenge yourself to go completely plastic-free so you can see where changes are easily made and where needs more work. These challenges don't have to be super strict and you don't have to commit yourself to going 100% zero-waste forever, but it could be a fun challenge with friends to see where plastic might be hiding in your life!!

You could join an organised challenge like Plastic-Free July, which could be really fun with friends, or you could create your own challenge for yourself e.g., going plastic-free for a week, going completely plastic-free next time you travel, or teaming up with work colleagues to make your workplace plastic-free!!

(The Plastic-Free July website has many other ideas about how to avoid plastic in your life!!)

4. Track your plastic usage

Tracking your plastic usage doesn't have to be stressful - simply see it as a way to find out where the most plastic is coming from in your daily life, and then use the results to set goals and focuses. You could do this by...

  • Writing a list and separating it into categories like 'food', 'bathroom', 'cleaning', 'personal care', etc.

  • Putting it all in a box to sort through (this can be a good way to see the volume of your plastic use! Just don't put too much pressure on yourself!)

  • Keeping a journal of challenges and which areas like food, self-care, etc. need focus

  • Sharing progress with friends and family (or on Instagram/TikTok)

  • Adjusting your goals based on your lifestyle - making sure that they fit so you can remain consistent

5. Take part in a beach clean-up

This may not be one to reduce plastic usage in everyday life, BUT if you live near the beach, get some friends together and have a little beach clean-up session!! This can be a really fun way to hang out with friends and reduce plastic in beautiful beachy areas.

6. Have a clothes swap with friends

Lots of clothing fibres like polyester are made from plastic, and if you read my post on fast fashion, you'll see how damaging the fashion industry can be. So, having a clothes swap with friends will be a great way to mix up your wardrobe for summer without spending a penny, and without having to bring new plastic into your life through clothing!

7. Use plastic-free alternatives

Moving to a sustainable lifestyle doesn't have to mean you completely cut things out of your life!! If you use cling film a lot for lunches or wrapping leftovers, invest in a couple of beeswax wraps instead - they last AGES, have cute patterns, and are much more sustainable. Other switches could be to a bamboo toothbrush rather than a plastic one, wooden Q-tips, plastic-free period products, metal safety razors rather than plastic ones, metal straws, natural fibre sponges, shampoo/conditioner bars...the list goes on!!

8. Zero-waste lunch options

Sometimes reducing plastic requires a little bit of planning! Investing in good quality metal, glass, or other sturdy Tupperware and packing your own lunches for work, school, uni, day trips, or anything else can be great to reduce the need to buy food out which can be expensive and come in plastic packaging!!

I've found a couple of super easy meals that work for me and can be made in a big batch to cook and take to work or to classes on busy weeks!!

9. Switch to the Modern Milkman

Some of my friends and family have made the switch to the Modern Milkman which is such a cool way to make your life easier and reduce plastic!! There are loads of different options for milk alternatives, as well as butter, eggs, and sweet treats.

10. Reduce plastic one room at a time

The best way to stay consistent is to go in small steps - start by switching out your cleaning products by using Composty sponges, or making your own surface spray, then move to switching up your shower routine with shampoo/conditioner/body bars and metal safety razors, then look at your work/study life to see which habits you can switch! Set reasonable goals for yourself, and get friends or family involved to keep each other accountable.

I hope these tips have been useful in giving you some ideas on how to make some changes to avoid plastic or reduce plastic in your daily life! Let me know what other ideas you have or if you're getting involved in organised challenges!!

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