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Let's Travel Responsibly: my guide to sustainable travel 2024

Travelling is such a great way to find new appreciation for our planet, see new cultures, learn new things, and meet new people! But, it's also important to make sure that this isn't having a negative impact along the way, so here are a few tips to make your trip more eco-friendly...

Embrace Public Transport

If you can travel to your destination by train or bus, definitely opt for that, but embracing public transport is also about choosing it when you're there too!! Buses, trains, bikes, walking, and anything in between mean less emissions from your travels, and means you can get the proper feel of the place you're in!!

Choose Sustainable Accommodation

Lots of hotels and hostels prioritise sustainability – like The Pig at Combe in the UK, or the Pench Tree Lodge in India! Choosing to stay somewhere that aligns with your values can make you feel good and mean you can have less of an impact on the planet.

Eat Local

Support local farmers and restaurants wherever you are!! This is not only a good way to learn & experience the culture but also really helps by providing jobs and bringing money into the local economies.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Pack things like a water bottle with you to prevent needing to pick one up on your travels. Think about what you'll need on a day-to-day basis on your trip and make sure to pack whatever you can so you don't need to use single-use plastics.

I have also created a mini packing list which I can share with you on Instagram! (I have one from a while ago which you can see here, but am making an updated version!!)

Support Responsible Tourism

Choosing tour operators and activities that prioritise conservation and sustainability initiatives and support the local cultures. Some ecotourism and responsible travel companies to look into are...

  • Byway Travel - making flight free holidays the norm

  • Gondwana Ecotours - bringing people from different continents together for trips like gorilla trekking in Rwanda, and other eco adventures in Patagonia and Mendoza

  • Intrepid Travel - carbon-neutral B Corp giving opportunity to travel to lots of different places around the world

  • Experience Travel Group - specialising in travel around Asia, with cultural immersion and responsible travel at its core

  • Seacology - offers unique ecotourism adventures offering projects to conserve habitats and communities

Sustainable travel is definitely something I'm looking to improve as an area of my sustainable living, so I will definitely be looking into these responsible companies, and make sure to continue to pack sustainably and go flight-free and stay local as much as possible!!

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