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a step-by-step guide to living more sustainably

Switching to a sustainable lifestyle involves being more conscious about your daily choices and habits to reduce your environmental impact. This can be a daunting change but remember that small changes can make a large impact and every little helps!!

Step 1: Educate yourself

  • Start learning about different aspects of sustainability whether it be fashion, food, self-care, travel, energy consumption, ethical shopping, water usage, or anything else!

  • I can help with this – let me know what topics you'd like to learn more about and I can do all the work for you!!

  • Instagram accounts, TikTok videos, or YouTube videos can be a digestible way to learn more

  • Understand the impact of your current lifestyle – where is the most waste/consumption coming from?

Step 2: Set goals

  • Start small and set manageable goals e.g., taking a packed lunch to work rather than buying a meal deal

  • Determine which areas of your life you want to focus on e.g., reducing how much clothing you buy

Step 3: Surround yourself with inspiring people

  • Whether online or in-person, surround yourself with like-minded individuals

  • Join groups on CLIQ or Facebook to meet new people

  • Follow positive Instagram or TikTok accounts that inspire you

  • Talk to your friends about your goals and things you've learned

Step 4: Minimise waste

  • Reduce, reuse, recycle – in that order!! Think about whether you really need something, reuse the item as much as possible, and recycle it if it's at the end of its life

  • E.g., using a reusable water bottle will reduce the need to buy disposable ones, but if you have to for whatever reason, reuse it until you can't anymore and then recycle it

  • Purchase products with minimal packaging and choose items made from recycled or recyclable materials

  • Zero waste stores are a great way to reduce waste and many other shops are doing refill programmes which can also help reduce waste and plastic consumption

  • Carry your own coffee cup around in case you want a drink on the go!

Step 5: Travel more sustainably

  • Travelling more sustainably can mean when going on holiday, but it can also mean day-to-day travel

  • Use public transport, walk, carpool, or cycle to where you need to be – create joy in the commute!

Step 6: Eat sustainably

  • Veganism isn't accessible to everyone, and that's okay! If you can reduce meat consumption that is a great way to reduce your environmental impact but if you can't, buying locally sourced meat and supporting local farmers is amazing!

  • Grow your own fruit and veggies where you can

  • Buy wonky fruits and veg to prevent them from being thrown away

  • Eat seasonally!!!

Step 7: Shop SLOW

  • Think consciously!

  • Prioritise shopping from companies that focus on sustainability, ethical working conditions, and environmental responsibility

  • Look out for eco-friendly certifications and labels (more information here)

  • Lots of eco-influencers post about their favourite sustainable companies and small businesses so look out for that

  • Shopping secondhand is also an eco-WIN

  • Avoid impulse purchasing, repair & repurpose items, and borrow or rent items!

I think that the main habit to adopt when moving to a more sustainable lifestyle is PLANNING!! Using public transport may take longer but planning in advance means that it won't be stressful, training yourself out of impulse purchasing can be tough but it's so worth it in the long-run, buying a meal deal or takeout for lunches at work may be convenient but planning the night before and taking leftovers can make a big difference environmentally and financially!

Remember to not put too much pressure on yourself, and celebrate your wins!!

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