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Which area of sustainability should I focus on (based on your star sign!)

Are you feeling a bit stuck on your sustainability journey? Feeling a bit overwhelmed at which area to focus on?? This post may be for you...


Deep, imaginative and uncompromising, I think an Aquarius would be well-suited to quit fast fashion and see how you can create your own new style with secondhand or homemade clothes!


Pisces are wise, artistic, and empathetic so you could focus on seasonal fruit/veggies, creating or learning new recipes and learning more about sustainable agriculture!


Aries are competitive, dynamic, and eager so if you're an Aries you could see about different fundraising activities for an environmental charity or cause - like hosting a 'sports day' type thing where the money raised goes towards the cause of your choice!


If you're a Taurus, you're likely to be strong, dependable, and creative, so you could look into political activism - you can rally friends and family together (or others in your community) to make a change!


Gemini traits are versatility, being expressive, curious, and kind so Geminis could focus on DIY projects for the home, like creating decor or cleaning products!


A Cancer is likely compassionate, sentimental, intuitive, and protective so Cancers might like looking into searching through vintage/antique stores to find some old pieces with a story!


Leos are fiery, self-assured, and outgoing, so doing home renovations to move to renewable energy and using sustainable materials could be a good outlet for you!


Practical, loyal, and analytical, Virgos might enjoy switching to sustainable banking – researching banks that invest in renewable energy and sustainable projects!


Libras are social, fair-minded, and diplomatic, so hosting a sustainable event (party, picnic, meet-up etc.) could be a great way for Libras to use their skills in a sustainable passion project!!


Scorpios might enjoy a venture outside of their home country, trying to part take in sustainable travel/ecotourism, as they are brave, passionate and resourceful!


Extroverted, optimistic, funny, and generous, a Sagittarius might enjoy holding engaging workshops to educate people about sustainability! This could be online or in-person.


Last but not least - Capricorns are independent, disciplined, and tenacious, so creating things from scratch might be your thing! Growing your own food or making your own clothes could be a good way to be independent in your lifestyle!

I don't even know how I feel about star signs (sorry!) BUT I thought this would be a really fun post !!! Let me know if you agree with what I've paired you with :)

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