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2023: My Year in Books

At the end of 2022, I fell in love with reading so I decided to make one of my 2023 goals to read 12 books – one per month. I ended up reading a few more than that and some really good books so thought I would share in case you want some recommendations.....


Honestly, this book is so heartbreakingly gorgeous that I sometimes think about it randomly and shed a tear. I recommend reading it over summer as it's set in Cordoba, Spain following Eva Martinez-Green through her life, finding new relationships, and discovering what family really means.

Another book that I literally think about daily. I read it for the first time 2 years ago but reread it at the start of 2023 and became even more obsessed. Dark academia, morality, mortality, obsession, corruption, betrayal. All the characters are horrible people but I secretly love them.

Very similar to The Secret History but following theatre / Shakespeare students rather than Greek students (basically freaky theatre kids doing weird things lmao). I recommend leaving some time in between reading The Secret History and If We Were Villains but both are bloody amazing.

I was a bit unsure as to whether I wanted to read this so I kinda put it off tbh, but I LOVED this book!! Very easy read and I was hooked on all the characters...desperately trying not to give spoilers rn!


Depressed girl winter.

I think I need to reread this as I feel like I rushed it but it is soooo well written and you definitely get attached to the characters. Ester Greenwood breaks down gradually throughout the book which can sometimes be quite dark, but I still really enjoyed it.

Not gonna lie...I chose to read this book because I thought the cover was cool (judging books by covers til the day I die). I genuinely laughed out loud at this book and it was such an easy read. Lowkey murder mystery vibes with good characters.

Very easy to read and interesting in terms of culture and behind-the-scenes of book publishing. Usually, I don't like when books reference TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, or other parts of pop culture but I didn't mind with this for some reason. Heard mixed reviews but I rated it 4 stars because it was easy to read and I think the points it touched on were interesting.

The only reason I didn't rate this 5 stars is because it wasn't a book that I have thought about regularly since finishing it. It's such a lovely story about books, reading, and the beauty of life. It's also set in Tokyo and describes the cool city and the vast countryside/mountains which I really liked too. The relationships that Takako forms are lovely to read and I got attached to the characters.

Bit of a kooky book for sure but it was very easy to read so I finished it in 1 sitting! "Broder tells a tale of appetites: physical hunger, sexual desire, spiritual longing, and the ways that we as humans can compartmentalize these so often independent instincts.". I also really felt for the characters and was rooting for them. TW for eating disorders.

Murder mystery and detective story starting with an eight-year-old boy going missing from a car, being replaced by a note saying "You don't love him". Another easy read and I liked that it had a warped reasoning for the kidnap. I can't say anymore without spoiling!!

Another devastatingly beautiful book. There were so many poetic passages that I highlighted and quotes that I loved. All about family relationships, figuring out adolescence, and learning things as we grow up.

Another easy one to read and I was hooked to see what was going to happen. Spy story with (mild) Villanelle vibes with disguises etc and having to navigate a 'mission' without phones, daylight, or being seen on CCTV.

Unpopular opinion, I enjoyed the show more (although maybe that's thanks to Paul Mescal). SAYING THAT, it's a tragic story that you can't help but fall in love with so still v enjoyable. There were also so many lines that I read with an Irish accent in my head pahahahah

This was the first book I read this year. When I read it, I enjoyed it but upon reflection, I think that Coelho is a little pretentious.....(sorry!). There were some lovely passages in it but I prefer The Alchemist. Would probs give it 3 stars if I was to rate it now.


Another kooky one for sure. I think I need to read it again as I was a liiiitle bit confused because I couldn't tell what was real life or a hallucination in the story. I liked the vibes though - very Heathers.

3.5 stars. Again, I think I may need to reread this one so maybe it isn't a fair review. Murder mystery studying grief and trauma which also had book club questions at the back which was really useful in making me think about it more deeply. I think I rushed through this one so may reread this year.

3.5 stars. I got emotionally attached to the characters and it was cute vibes but rated 3.5 stars because it didn't punch me in the face (if that makes sense?!).

3.5 stars. I enjoyed it at first but it got a bit slow as the story went on. Normal People vibes but tragic in a different way. I think it's worth the read if you fancy something easy, but it isn't the best thing I've read for sure.

3.5 stars. This book was pretty fucked and veeeery graphic BUT I was hooked and read it quite quickly. Murders in the red-light district of Tokyo. My jaw was on the FLOOR at points.

As I was writing this, I realised that there has definitely been a range of books hahah. I would recommend reading all or any of these books as I enjoyed them all so I hope my little commentary helped in maybe adding some books to your TBR!

My current read is American Psycho, which I'm loving so far, and my reading goal for this year is 25 so let's see how that goes!

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