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Veganuary: everything you need to know...

(no it's not too late to get involved!)

Veganuary started in 2014, growing in popularity HUGELY since then with companies and brands getting on board to launch Veganuary specials. The non-profit's values lie in impact, empowerment, diversity and inclusion, respect and integrity, resilience, and moving towards vegan world.

Veganuary doesn't have to be a strict switch in diet, but many people dip in and out, doing their bit to start the year positively. According to Vegan Calculator, if you go vegan for one month, you will save...

  • 281kg of CO2

  • 278 sq feet of forest

  • 621kg of grain

  • 126,738 of water

  • 30 animals

And the Veganuary charity themselves claim the benefits of...

  • Increased energy

  • Improved mood

  • Better skin

  • Lower cholesterol

  • Better kitchen skills

It can also just be a nice change for the new year and trying new food!

The Veganuary website has lots of information regarding nutrition, meal plans, restuarant and shopping tips, and advice in getting started! Many people have the concerns of whether they will get enough protein, iron, calcium, vitamin D, omega-3, omega-6, idodine and vitamin B12, but the website and supportive community can help in providing protein-rich recipes, and foods with all of these important elements to maintain a balanced vegan diet.

Some of my favourite vegan meals:

(full recipes on my instagram!)


  • richmond vegan sausages

  • garden peas

  • puff pastry

  • onions

  • courgette

  • mushrooms

  • garlic

  • vegan feta


a classic!

  • bagel with smashed avo

  • tofu

  • mushrooms

  • courgette

  • spring onions

  • cherry tomatoes


  • figs chopped into quarters

  • spinach, rocket, any other salad leaves

  • walnuts

  • mustard, maple syrup, balsamic vinegar, garlic, and olive oil for dressing


  • couscous (cooked in veg stock)

  • tomatoes

  • spring onions

  • tofu

  • courgette

  • spinach

  • broccoli

  • peanut butter, soy sauce, chilli oil / chilli flakes, olive oil, boiling water


  • puff pastry

  • asparagus

  • vegan cheese sauce (instructions on instagram)

  • cherry tomatoes

You don't need to put tonnes of pressure on yourself, just do what you can, and eat lots of yummy foooooddddd!!

If you're interested in more information regarding the health, environmental, and ethical benefits of switching to a plant-based diet, I recommend Cowspiracy, What the Health, Seapiracy, and COW.


hey, thanks for reading!!!

I love sharing information, tips, and tricks about living a sustainable lifestyle so I hope you enjoy reading my posts as much as I love writing them! 

I'm all ears about what you want to see on this website so message me with ideas and I'll do my best to make them come to life :)) 

lots of love xx

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