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Period Product Praise: ASAN

I wanted to start a new series on here and Instagram called 'Period Product Praise', where I will be diving into some amazing period care companies with products that you can use on your period, as well as other movements to keep the conversation alive!

This month, ASAN!!

In Persian, Hindi, and Urdu, Asan means easy or worry-free, which is exactly the mindset they want to bring to period care across the world. There are 5 main reasons why Asan believes that using their products is the best for you...

  • Period products are chocking landfills

  • Period habits are killing oceans and polluting waterways

  • Supply chains for single-use products emit excess CO2

  • We are risking the lives of waste pickers

  • By using ASAN, you are transforming two lives at once – their buy-one-donate-one scheme helps someone without access to quality period products.

In terms of sustainability, Asan offers a reusable menstrual cup that can reduce your plastic waste every month and stop statistics like the 1.4 million pads that are flushed down the toilet every day. According to the Women's Environmental Network, the UK generates 200,000 tonnes of menstrual waste – but this has grown hugely since that article was published in 2018. Asan's menstrual cup and cup cleanser actively help tackle climate change by reducing the amount of waste produced per person per month. But that's not all...

Period poverty is a critical global issue that millions of people experience every day. Tackling this issue is a goal of Asan with every product sold and donated. The buy-one-donate-one scheme means that for every product that you or I buy, there is a product donated to someone in India without access to facilities or products they need to safely manage their period.

Asan's work towards education and providing quality products to all, no matter what socio-economic background is inspiring. I have been lucky enough to have been in contact with Asan and was kindly gifted some of their products to take into shelters and education facilities across Nottingham so more people can learn about period care and access the products they need.

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